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Amy Tan: “It’s My Life”

BBC World Service — Outlook

Amy Tan with Matthew Bannister, December 2, 2013, promoting her new book, “The Valley of Amazement.”

AT: I’m fascinated in self-identity, who we become as a result of inheritance and inheritance of trauma or influences or you know things sudden like the publication of that book [Joy Luck Club] — I never expected it to be a success. How do we change? What don’t we change?

MB: Your mother had left behind a husband and three daughters in China. . . .

AT: I remember that my mother was very unhappy with me, and that suddenly she told me this and my feeling was she was saying “I wish that they were here and not you.” . . .  It was unfathomable that a mother would leave her children. And the sense of abandonment that they felt.

MB: You got in touch with them.

AT: And of course I’m thinking that this could have been me, I could have been the daughter abandoned. Here in China, this would have been my life, working the rice fields, bent over picking leeches off my legs.

MB: And I wonder if they also looked at you. . . .

AT: They, I’m sure that they did. In fact one sister who said she wanted to be a movie actress, “but I rusted so long that I never would be able to be so now, because my mind is rusted.” And it stunned me to think yes, you know, that question of who you become as a result of being told who you are all those years, you know, you have to be very strong to say “No, despite what you’re saying, I still have this life.”

The voices of those authority figures echo in our ears all the days of our lives.

All in Free

This isn’t hard to get.
It’s a very simple picture.
Like the caribou herd,
the wildebeest herd,
the deer or elk herd.

Picture our earliest ancestors
moving up into the hills in spring
to dodge the summer valley heat;
back down again in autumn
to take advantage of the valley warmth.

Some stride in the lead,
full of energy and emotions.
Others lag behind,
dogged by impairments
of body, soul, mind and spirit.


Eventually the leaders
will fall to the back.
Some of the laggers
will move on up.
Some will not.


We are the same.
We all go forward together
or we do not go forward at all.